Our Lady’s Month


Hello friends,

With Mary’s month here, we want to help you bring our Blessed Mother to your families!

You will find a Marian Lesson here as well as many Liturgical Year Resources here, which include:

  • Lessons for Sunday Gospel, including for The Ascension and Pentecost
  • Marian Activities on the RosaryFatima, and more
  • English and Spanish saint stories and coloring pages

If you need to create an account or need access for your team. You can sign up here or let me know, and I can do that for you.

Do you need practical help for the upcoming year for Spirit of Truth ? We are here for you! Please let me know how I can help with any challenges you faced this year. Book a time with me here.

As we close this school year, please know that we would love to hear about your classes and the success stories you are celebrating.

Please know that you and your parish families will always remain in our prayers!

Ingrid Waldstein
Senior Director of Education Programs
Sophia Institute for Teachers  

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