A Tree Known by its Fruit – Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Lesson Overview

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

In this week’s Gospel passage, we find the conclusion to Jesus’ teachings about being His disciple before we enter the season of Lent. Jesus teaches us what is perhaps the entire point of the past few weeks’ Gospels: to be His disciple is to be like Him. In this lesson, students will contemplate the most important characteristics of Christ that we must follow in order to be His disciples.

Lesson Materials


  1. Have students read the Gospel passage, or read it aloud to your students, and then answer the focus questions. You may have students answer them on their own or you may discuss them together as a class.
  2. Have students read the reflection and Scripture passages from Imitation of Christ and then answer the reflection question.
  3. Review and discuss the answers as a class when finished. Create a brainstorm list on the board of all the characteristics of Christ your class can think of that we should imitate to be His disciple.

Answer Key

Focus Questions

  1. No disciple is superior to their teacher. But, when they have been fully trained, every disciple will be like his teacher.
  2. We should first take care of our own sins and failures and whatever else is harming our relationship with God before we judge the sinfulness of others. Note: Jesus does not say that we shouldn’t be concerned at all with the sinfulness of others, but rather that we should first attend to ourselves. He is not calling us to leave others completely alone in their sinfulness.
  3. Good trees do not bear rotten fruit, nor do we find good fruit in bad plants. For us, this means that the results of our actions and choices say something about who weare and our relationship with God. If we are striving to live good and holy lives, then the results of our actions and choices will be evidence of the goodness in our lives.

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