Sermon on the Plain – Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Lesson Overview

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

In this week’s Gospel passage, Jesus delivers the Sermon on the Plain in which He teaches a variation of the Beatitudes. He continues His message that being His disciple will require suffering and persecution in His name, but that our reward in Heaven will be great. In this lesson, students will reflect on the meaning of the Beatitudes and what it means to be truly happy.

Lesson Materials


  1. Have students read the Gospel passage, or read it aloud to your students, and then answer the focus questions. You may have students answer them on their own or you may discuss them together as a class.
  2. Have students read the reflection and Scripture passage from Treasure in Heaven and answer the questions.
  3. Review and discuss the answers as a class when finished.

Answer Key

Focus Questions

  1. A great number of His disciples from all over the region.
  2. Those who are poor, those who are hungry, those who are now weeping, those whom the people hate, exclude, insult, and have their names denounced on account of Jesus (the Son of Man).
  3. Answers will vary but should demonstrate an understanding that the blessings are the answer to what the people are suffering. They will receive as a blessing or reward that which they forgo or suffer through when done in the name of Jesus.
  4. Those who are rich, those who are filled now, those who laugh now, and those who are spoken well of.
  5. Accept reasoned answers that show an understanding of the fact that, while we are assured of persecution and suffering as a disciple of Christ, our reward, or blessing, in Heaven will be greater than any reward or benefit we might gain here on earth. Jesus promises us that He will be with us through the suffering and persecution and will bless us abundantly in Heaven.

Treasure in Heaven

  1. Material things.
  2. Because they are temporary: even the nicest and most valuable things will eventually decay, fade, break, and so forth.
  3. In Heaven.
  4. Prayers, sacrifices, good works, virtues, anything that helps us grow closer to Christ and leads us to beatitude.
  5. Our heart will be wherever our treasure is. If we care most about worldly things, our heart will be in the world. If we care most about God and being with Him in Heaven, our heart will be with God.
  6. Accept reasoned answers.

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