The Call of Simon the Fisherman – Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Lesson Overview

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

In this week’s Gospel passage, Jesus meets the Apostles Simon, James, and John and invites them to come follow Him. Jesus tells them to “not be afraid” of following Him. In this lesson, students will contemplate the challenge of following Christ and consider His invitation to be free from fear.

Lesson Materials


  1. Have students read the Gospel passage, or read it aloud to your students, and then answer the focus and reflection questions. You may have students answer them on their own or you may discuss them together as a class.
  2. Have students read the excerpt from the Homily of His Holiness Pope Saint John Paul II for the Inauguration of His Pontificate, St. Peter's Square, Sunday, 22 October 1978, and complete the focus and reflection questions.
  3. Review and discuss the answers when finished.

Answer Key

Focus Questions

  1. He was preaching the Word of God and the crowd was pressing in on Him while listening.
  2. “Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.”
  3. He had already been fishing all night and had caught nothing.
  4. Simon and the other fishermen caught a great number of fish so that their nets were tearing. They filled two boats with fish to the point that the boats were in danger of sinking.
  5. Simon doubted Jesus was who He said He was. But, the miraculous draw of fish convinced him of the truth about Jesus.
  6. “Do not be afraid.”
  7. They would be catching men.
  8. They left everything and followed Him.

Reflection Question

Accept reasoned answers.

“Do Not Be Afraid” Focus Questions

  1. Welcoming Christ and accepting His power.
  2. The pope asks for help for himself and for all those who wish to serve Christ in serving the human person and the whole of humankind.
  3. To invite Christ into every aspect of our lives.
  4. States, economic and political systems, culture, civilization, and development.
  5. He alone knows what is “in” man.
  6. Modern man does not know what is within the depths of his mind and heart and he
    is uncertain of the meaning of life.
  7. To allow Christ to speak to man because His words are eternal life.

Reflection Question

Accept reasoned answers

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