The Parables of the Lost Sheep and the Prodigal Son – Fourth Sunday of Lent

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Lesson Overview

The Gospel for the fourth Sunday of Lent contains one of the best-known parables of Jesus’: the parable of the lost, or prodigal, son. With this parable Jesus teaches us in a powerful way about the love and forgiveness of the Father. In this lesson students will reflect on God’s love and forgiveness using sacred art.

Lesson Materials

Gospel Reflection

  • Have students read the Gospel passage, or read it aloud to your students, and then answer the focus questions. You may have students answer them on their own or you may discuss them together as a class.
  • Review and discuss the correct answers when finished


  • Arrange your students into groups of three or four. Have them reflect on the parable of the lost son using the painting and discussion questions from Handout B: Parable of the Prodigal Son. When they are finished, call on groups to share about their discussions.

Answer Key

Handout A: Gospel Reading

  1. He demanded his share of his father’s estate (or inheritance). The father gave it him. Normally a person would receive an inheritance from someone after they had died.
  2. He squandered it on a life of dissipation (or sin.)
  3. He decided to return home because he was broke and starving.
  4. He ran out to meet him, embraced and kissed him.
  5. He had the finest robe, a ring, and sandals put on him, and he orderd the fattened calf to be slaughtered for a feast.
  6. The older son had been working for his father the whole time. He was angry because he had been faithful to his father but had never had a celebration in his honor.
  7. He told him, “My son, you are here with me always; everything I have is yours. But now we must celebrate and rejoice, because your brother was dead and has come to life again; he was lost and has been found.”

Handout B: Parable of the Prodigal Son

Accept reasoned answers for all questions.

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