In the Gospel for this first Sunday in Lent, Jesus spends forty days in the desert preparing for His public ministry. In many ways, Lent is our time in the desert in which we prepare to receive the salvation Christ won for us on the Cross. In this lesson, students will reflect on their own daily spiritual journey using an examen.
The Temptation of Jesus – First Sunday of Lent
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Go over the Handout B: Examen Journal explanation with your students. Then, lead them in the examen journal exercise. You may have your students write in their own journals, or photocopy the Teacher Resource: Examen Journal Template for your students to use. Consider beginning religion class every day during Lent (or every other day, or once a week) with a few minutes of reflection using the Examen Journal as a guide. Lead your students in a reflection on the sacred art image Christ in the Desert by Ivan Kramskoi. Use Teacher Resource: Christ in the Desert Discussion Guide to help guide the activity. Then, have students color Handout B: Christ in the Desert Coloring Page. On each of the blank lines provided, have your students write one thing that they want to pray to Jesus for during Lent.Gospel Reflection
Answer Key
Handout A: Gospel Reading
Gospel Reflection
Answer Key
Handout A: Gospel Reading
Handout B: Christ in the Desert Discussion Guide