Sophia Institute for Teachers is proud
to partner with Faith Journals to bring our
high school workbooks to your classroom!

With Faith Journals, teachers can:

  • Set up activities and questions from our pre-created lesson plans
  • Check student’s work and allow for peer-review
  • Supervise each student’s work and provide guidance in real-time
  • Allow students to collaborate with each other

Spirit of Truth High School workbooks are
now integrated into Faith Journal’s
platform, and available for use!

Our High School workbooks include:

  • Ready to use activities to save you time
  • Critical thinking and application questions
  • Sacred Art reflections
  • Prayer exercises to bolster your student’s spiritual lives

Check out the free Sophia Institute workbook sample Spirit of Truth: I. The Transmission of Divine Revelation that includes a 7-day journal activity to start the school year.

Click the button to access the sample activity. You will be asked to create an account in Faith Journals (it is free up to 5 students).

Using Faith Journals Already? Here are all of our High School offerings:

Course 1: The Revelation of Christ in Scripture

Course 2: Encountering Christ

Course 3: The Paschal Mystery

Course 4: The Church is Christ’s Living Body

Course 5: The Sacraments

Course 6: The Moral Life in Christ

Event: Registration and login form

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