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Lesson 8

The Celebration of the Sacrament of the Eucharist

When we consume the Eucharist, we are united to Christ and to the Church, the Body of Christ.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Holy Communion
    (n.): A title for the Eucharist that refers to how all who receive the Body and Blood of Jesus are united to Christ and each other.
  • New Covenant
    (n.): The new and everlasting covenant won for us by Christ’s Paschal Mystery. In this covenant is the fulfillment of centuries of prophecies and all of God’s promises for the forgiveness of sins. We are made members of the New Covenant by our Baptism and we renew and participate in the covenant every time we receive the Eucharist. All people are invited to be members of the New Covenant.
  • Fidelity
    (n.): Faithfulness, loyalty, and continuing support.
  • Communion
    (n.): Intimate and mutual exchange in friendship, from the Latin communio, for “sharing in common.”
  • Consummation
    (n.): The point at which something is finalized or completed.
  • Atone
    (v.): To make an offering of penance as an expression of sorrow for an offense; to make amends or reparations.
  • Memorial
    (n.): Something that has the purpose of keeping a memory alive. The Eucharist is the memorial of Christ’s Passover, but, unlike ordinary memorials, the Mass makes truly present the once and for all sacrifice of Christ on the Cross rather than merely calling to mind its memory. In all the Eucharistic Prayers, we find after the words of institution a prayer called the anamnesis, or memorial.
  • Manna
    (n.): A miraculous food, “bread from Heaven,” that God provided Israel under the harsh conditions of desert life and that would come with the morning dew.
  • Bread of Life Discourse
    (n.): The name given to Jesus’ explicit teaching about the Eucharist in John 6:22–71.
  • Anamnesis
    (n.): A prayer recited by the priest during the Eucharistic prayers of the Mass, following the words of institution, that calls to mind the Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus to make these mysteries present to us. Greek word for the recollection of a past event.
  • Eucharistein
    (v.): Greek word meaning “to give thanks,” from which the word Eucharist is derived.
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