Infusing Lessons with Sacred Art

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    Infusing Lessons with Sacred Art

    Lead your students to truth, beauty, and goodness. Master Teacher Jose Gonzalez leads a 45-minute session for Catholic teachers and catechists on teaching with sacred art.

    Self-paced, online
    45 minutes
    45 minutes


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      What You'll Get

      Course Overview

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      Get Started

      Master Teacher Jose Gonzalez leads a 45-minute session for Catholic teachers and catechists on teaching with sacred art.

      You will delve into questions such as:

      • How can I use sacred art to get students engaged, no matter what their background or skill level?
      • In what ways can the use of art set a tone that shows students religion class is “different” from their other subjects?
      • Can art help my students understand Scripture?
      • How does the use of beauty point my students towards Christ, leading them to authentically encounter Him? 
      • How do I keep class discussion about art focused?
      • What are ways you can make your classroom more beautiful, as well as encourage students to seek truth, beauty, and goodness?

      Your Instructors

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        Jose Gonzalez

        Jose Gonzalez joined the team at Sophia Institute for Teachers in 2014 after more than 10 years as a Catholic high school teacher. In addition to teaching, Jose has experience working in parish and diocesan ministry. Jose has been leading Workshops in over 70 dioceses for 10 years, and contributes regularly to our teacher’s guides and digital instructional resources. He has a BA in theology with a concentration in religious education from Franciscan University of Steubenville, and an MA in evangelization and catechesis from the Augustine Institute. Jose and his wife, Mary Beth, have four children.

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