* Spirit of Truth / Espíritu de la Verdad only

Spirit of Truth

Sacramental Preparation Programs

Our sacramental preparation programs provide you with teacher-written, classroom-tested lesson plans to prepare your students to encounter Jesus in the sacraments.

Each program features a step-by-step lesson plan format that equips catechists to teach with confidence.

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Products and Samples

First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion

Designed to prepare second or third graders to receive first Reconciliation and first Communion, this resource features ready-to-use content for 17 weekly sessions.

If you’re using Spirit of Truth as your faith-formation textbook in 2nd grade, you do not need this sacramental prep resource because our 2nd grade textbook seamlessly integrates catechesis and sacramental preparation.

First Reconciliation and First Communion Sample

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Preparación Sacramental para la Primera Reconciliación y Primera Comunión

¡Prepare a sus alumnos para recibir un derramamiento de la gracia de Dios en los sacramentos de Primera Reconciliación y Primera Comunión! Cuenta con 17 sesiones semanales que son:

  • Atractivas e interactivas
  • Llenas de arte sacro, actividades prácticas y lecturas apropiadas para la edad
  • Escritas por maestros y probadas en el aula
  • Escritas previamente con instrucciones paso a paso

Preparación Sacramental para la Primera Reconciliación y Primera Comunión Sample

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Sealed in Fire Confirmation Preparation

Designed for Grades 5-8

The seven lessons included in this teacher’s guide for upper elementary and middle school provide you with dozens of activities that will prepare your students to receive an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Each lesson includes full-color sacred art, background readings, games, role-plays, and assessment tools that will empower young people — like the Apostles — to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ and make disciples of all nations.

Sealed in Fire Sample

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Sealed in Fire – Restored Order

Designed for 8-9 year old Students

The seven lessons included in this teacher’s guide for 3rd and 4th grade provide you with dozens of activities that will prepare your students to receive an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Each lesson includes full-color sacred art, background readings, games, role-plays, and assessment tools that will empower young people — like the Apostles — to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ and make disciples of all nations.

Sealed in Fire Restored Order Sample

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Sacramental Preparation Sample Set

A sale-priced set to show you the full range of our sacramental preparation for a 2nd-4th-grade range. It includes:

  • One (1) copy of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion Teacher’s Guide
  • One (1) copy of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion Student Workbook
  • One (1) copy of Sealed in Fire  Restored Order Confirmation  Teacher’s Guide

Sacramental Preparation Student Workbook Set

A sale-priced Student Workbook set for a 2nd-4th-grade range. It includes: and one copy of Sealed in Fire Restored Order Student Workbook.

  • One (1) copy of Spirit of Truth First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion Student Workbook
  • One (1) copy of Sealed in Fire Restored Order Confirmation Student Workbook

Free Resources included with Spirit
of Truth Sacramental Preparation

Digital Teacher’s Guide

Liturgical year supplements

Tests and quizzes

Digital art, handouts, powerpoints, and more

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