The Little Catholics’ Journey through the Liturgical Year
Questions? Contact us or call (800) 888-9344
A New Pre-K Religion Series That Lays the Foundation for a Lifetime of Faith
His Little Way is the first substantive and faithful pre-K series designed to usher little ones into the basics of the Catholic Faith.

Faith Content
Grow in love for Jesus
Introduction to Theological Virtues
Meet the angels, saints, and Mary
Basic prayers
Discover liturgical colors and their meanings
Introduction to Fruits of the Holy Spirit
Questions? Contact us or call (800) 888-9344
Activities & crafts
Hands-on activities and crafts will engage your youngest students with the Faith throughout the whole year!

Questions? Contact us or call (800) 888-9344
Skills Development
Fine motor skills
Tracing activities
Beginning letter sounds, blending letters
Simple sight words
Music and movement
Links to songs
Links to short videos
Number recognition
Counting activities


The Teacher’s Guide features:
Clear, step-by-step directions for introducing and leading activities
Talking points for every page
An extra song for each booklet
Saint stories and enrichment options
and much more!
Liturgical activities

Content and activities for the liturgical season, holy days, and feast days.
Growth in virtue

Regular features to help your students grow in virtues (Love, Obedience, Hope, Faith, and more!)
Key figures in the Faith

Meet the Blessed Trinity, the Holy Family, the Guardian Angels, Archangels, and more!
A friend in the corner

Regular “Friend in the Corner” feature introduces your students to the saints.
Questions? Contact us or call (800) 888-9344
Saints & Angels

St. Bernadette

St. Blaise

St. Cecilia

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

St. Faustina

St. Francis Xavier

Archangel Gabriel

Guardian Angels

St. Ignatius of Loyola

St. Isidore

St. John the Baptist

Pope St. John Paul II

St. Maximilian Kolbe

Mother Teresa

St. Nicholas

St. Padre Pio

Archangel Raphael

St. Michael the Archangel

St. Therese of Lisieux

St. Veronica

Mary, Mother of God

Our Lady of Fatima

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady of Lourdes
Questions? Contact us or call (800) 888-9344