A New Way to Think About Religious Education

We created A Family of Faith to help develop strong Catholic families in which children learn the joys of following Jesus Christ and the truths of our Faith through the witness of Christian life given by their parents.

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How Family Faith Formation can Reignite the Faith in Your Parish

Engage Families in Your Parish

Many parishes are looking for ways to help families practice their faith and participate fully in the parish. With A Family of Faith, families come together regularly — growing in relationship with one another and learning the truths of the Catholic Faith and how to apply them in their lives. In the parish and at home parents and children have the opportunity to build relationships through discussion and reflection on topics that matter in their lives.

Learn to Follow Jesus Christ

As families continue to come together to learn about the life of Jesus Christ, His teachings, and the Catholic Faith, they desire to know Him better. The home becomes the place of deep learning as families desire to follow Jesus more closely. Families are introduced to the spiritual treasures of the home, the domestic church. Parents can learn and share with their children practices such as grace before meals, reading and praying with Scripture, and learning about the lives of the saints. All these are included in the monthly Our Catholic Home feature.

Rebuild the Domestic Church

As parents and children engage in discussion about what they are learning, spiritual curiosity is awakened and families desire to deepen in their understanding. Each month parents have the opportunity to choose from a variety of activities and discussion that they can do as a family to explore the concepts that are taught in each lesson. Younger children might learn through the experience of coloring one of the beautiful illustrations while older children might meditate on the Scripture.

Families using A Family of Faith attend Mass regularly, learn and practice prayers together, and engage in spiritual conversations at home, helping them to grow in holiness.

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A Family of Faith is inspiring yet practical. This series has the potential to strengthen and renew the Catholic family as well as every parish that uses it.”

Scott Hahn

Catholic Author

A Family of Faith is perfect for any family looking to catechize their children in an effective and structured way.”

Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle

Mother, EWTN Host, and Author

A Family of Faith is inspiring yet practical. This series has the potential to strengthen and renew the Catholic family as well as every parish that uses it.”

Scott Hahn

Catholic Author

A Family of Faith is perfect for any family looking to catechize their children in an effective and structured way.”

Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle

Mother, EWTN Host, and Author

How it Works

A Family of Faith provides you the flexibility to meet the needs of your parish.


Parents attend a monthly workshop, where they learn through teaching, discussion, and activities.


Parents teach their children with clearly designed lessons and activities that involve the whole family.


Families come together for enjoyable events, such as picnics, feast day celebrations, and activities.

Based on the Pillars of the Catechism

A Family of Faith follows a four year cycle: one pillar of the Catechism is covered per year from September through May. Parents are given a detailed picture of authentic and vibrant Catholic family life, the tools to implement this life in their home, and age appropriate readings, games, crafts, and other activities to help them deepen among their children a love for Christ and His Church.

Each year is self contained, and so families may join at any time in the cycle. After four years, families will have been guided through the entirety of the Catechism and will have developed a broad understanding of the Church teachings. Families then cycle through the program again as their child grow, in order to deepen their knowledge and develop the habits needed for life-long spiritual growth.

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How to Make It Work in Your Parish

Model 01

Whole Family or Small Group

Ideal for large parishes serving many families.

  • The Parish Leader’s Faith Formation presentation is recorded and shared to groups.
  • Small groups of 5-6 whole families (with a leader/coordinator) meet in small groups at the parish to complete a selected lesson and activities.
  • Parents select monthly activities using the Parent’s Guide and the Activity Book to complete in their home.

Model 02


Our original design for use!

  • Parish Leader presents the Faith Formation to parents once a month at the parish. It includes small group discussion and large group sharing to deepen their understanding.
  • Parents assume the role as primary educators of their children using the Parent’s Guide and Children’s Activity Book for teaching at home.
  • An optional second meeting each month helps families grow in relationship with one another and develops community among families. Use suggested agenda in the Leader’s Guide or other parish activity such as family Mass and hospitality.

Model 03


Wishing to continue a suggested approach for parishes transitioning from a classroom model

  • Parish Leader presents the Faith Formation to parents once per month at the parish. It includes small-group discussion and large group sharing to deepen their understanding. Training parents on how to complete the activities in the A Family of Faith curriculum is encouraged.
  • Children can participate in lessons with parochial catechists using activities from A Family of Faith.
  • Parents reinforce the learning at home with family-based lessons and activities chosen from the Parent’s Guide and the Activity Book, preparing them for a more independent experience next year.

Let’s make it work in your Parish

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Content Overview

The Parent’s Guide

  • Background essays covering each month’s content.
  • Notes for conveying this content to children in age-appropriate ways.
  • Instructions for activities and craft projects.
  • Stories of the saints and other notable Catholics
  • Suggestions for living the faith at home, such as:
    • Guidance for creating and decorating a prayer space.
    • Prayer for special occasions
    • Tips for talking tough tough subjects
    • Ways to bring the liturgical years to life in the home.

The Children’s Activity Book

The Children’s Activity Book is designed to help children come to know the Catholic Faith through fun games and activities. The Parent’s Guide offers talking points for how to use each activity in the children’s book as a teachable moment, leading the child to a deeper relationship with Christ.

Activities in the Children’s Activity Book include:

  • Scripture memorization and copy work
  • Instructions for activities and craft projects.
  • Prayer memorization
  • Saints’ biographies
  • Games and crafts
  • Drawing and coloring pages
  • Journal pages
  • Prompts for original prayers and reflections

The Leader’s Guide

The Leader’s Guide allows the parish catechetical leader to make the most of each meeting with families.

The leader’s guide includes:

  • Start-up guide for organizing and leading the program
  • Trivia games and other ice breakers for adult meetings
  • Lecture notes and PowerPoint slides
  • Detailed plans with games and activities for community meetings
  • Instructions for integrating A Family Faith into the life of the parish
  • Suggestions for ensuring accountability.

The Annual Curriculum Timeline

The Creed

Year One

The Sacraments

Year TWO

Life in Christ


Christian Prayer



The Role of Parents in Education

The Role of Parents in Education

The Role of Parents in Education

The Role of Parents in Education


What is Faith, Who is God

What Is a Sacrament?

Heaven: Our Final destination

What is Prayer?


What is Faith, Who is God

Created in God’s Image

Conscience: God’s Law inn Our Hearts

Jesus Teaches Us How to Pray


Annunciation, Immaculate Conception


Cardinal and Theological Virtues

Prayer and the Our Father


Who is Jesus

The Eucharist, The Mass

The First Great Commandment and the First Four Commandments

Prayer and the Holy Spirit


Paschal Mystery

Sacraments of Healing

The 5th-10th Commandments

The Prayer of the Virgin Mary


The Holy Spirit

Anointing Of the Sick

The New Commandment and the Works of Mercy

Praying with Scripture and Expressions of Prayer


Marks of the Church, Communion of Saints

Holy Orders & Holy Matrimony

The Beatitudes

Prayer as Spiritual Battle


The Way of the Creed

Sacraments Jeopardy

Journey to Heaven

Prayer Castle Game

The Creed

Year One


The Role of Parents in Education


What is Faith, Who is God


Created in God’s Image


Annunciation, Immaculate Conception


Who is Jesus


Paschal Mystery


The Holy Spirit


Marks of the Church, Communion of Saints


The Way of the Creed

The Sacraments

Year TWO


The Role of Parents in Education


What Is a Sacrament?


Sacraments of Initiation




The Eucharist, The Mass


Sacraments of Healing


Anointing Of the Sick


Holy Orders & Holy Matrimony


Sacraments Jeopardy

Life in Christ



The Role of Parents in Education


Heaven: Our Final destination


Conscience: God’s Law inn Our Hearts


Cardinal and Theological Virtues


The First Great Commandment and the First Four Commandments


The 5th-10th Commandments


The New Commandment and the Works of Mercy


The Beatitudes


Journey to Heaven

Christian Prayer



The Role of Parents in Education


What is Prayer?


Jesus Teaches Us How to Pray


Prayer and the Our Father


Prayer and the Holy Spirit


The Prayer of the Virgin Mary


Praying with Scripture and Expressions of Prayer


Prayer as Spiritual Battle


Prayer Castle Game

Let’s make it work in your Parish

Questions? Contact us or call (800) 888-9344

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Books and Samples


Family of Faith Volume I

The Profession of Faith

Families learn this year about events that took place thousands of years ago. But the story of salvation history is not just in the past: it continues to take place in our lives in a deeply personal way. In the beginning, God created the universe out of nothing, and God continues to create throughout all ages each and every time a human person is conceived. And just as God spoke to our fathers in faith and showed them His plan of salvation, God still speaks to us and calls us to become part of the story of His saving love. These are not distant events to be memorized, but rather life-giving truths to be lived each day. God has called us each by name—this is the story of salvation history. This is our story!

Volume I

Leader Guide Sample

Quote Order

Family of Faith Volume II

The Sacraments

In every way, the Sacraments are about God’s love, fully revealed in Jesus Christ. The seven Sacraments—the foundation of Christian living—are the focus of Volume II of Family of Faith. Families will learn about each of the Sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance and Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Matrimony.  The Sacraments are important parts of each stage of life, in which we receive God’s free gift of grace. Through the grace given to us in the Sacraments, Jesus brings us into communion with Himself, the Father, and the Holy Spirit, and with one another in the Church.

Volume II Leader Guide Sample

Quote Order

Family of Faith Volume III

Life in Christ

This year focuses on the moral life and what it means to live the way God wants us to live. From the Ten Commandments to the Beatitudes to the Great Commandment, throughout salvation history, God has provided us with models for living virtuously. Ultimately, He sent us Christ Himself, who gives us the perfect model of holiness and calls us to live like Him and in Him. Together, families will come to a deeper appreciation of Christianity, not just as a set of rules, but as a complete way of life, totally immersed in Christ and leading to life with Him in Heaven forever.

Volume III

Leader Guide Sample

Quote Order

Family of Faith Volume IV

Christian Prayer

This volume focuses on Christian prayer, and why it is so essential for growing in relationship with God. After exploring the covenant drama of prayer in Scripture, families learn the richness of the Our Father, the major expressions of prayer, and the example of the Virgin Mary in conversations with God. Throughout the whole year, families are helped to put into practice all these learning through a fruitful prayer life.

Volume IV Leader Guide Sample

Quote Order


Una Familia de Fe Volumen I

La Profesión de Fe

Las familias aprenden este año sobre los eventos que tuvieron lugar hace miles de años. Pero el relato sobre la historia de la salvación no está solo en el pasado: continúa teniendo lugar en nuestras vidas de una manera profundamente personal. Al principio, Dios creó el universo de la nada, y Dios continúa creando a lo largo de las diferentes etapas cada vez que una persona humana es concebida. Y así como Dios habló a nuestros padres en la fe y les mostró su plan de salvación, Dios todavía nos habla y nos llama a ser parte de la historia de su amor salvador. Estos no son eventos lejanos para ser memorizados, sino más bien verdades vivificantes para ser vividas cada día. Dios nos ha llamado a cada uno por nombre: este es el relato de la Historia de la Salvación. ¡Esta es nuestra historia!

Volumen I  Guia para Lideres


Cotización Compre

Una Familia de Fe Volumen II

Los Sacramentos

En todos los sentidos, los sacramentos son sobre el amor de Dios, completamente revelado en Jesucristo. Los siete sacramentos, el fundamento de la vida cristiana, son el enfoque del Volumen II de Una familia de fe. Las familias aprenderán sobre cada uno de los sacramentos: bautismo, confirmación, eucaristía, penitencia y reconciliación, unción de los enfermos, órdenes sagradas y matrimonio. Los sacramentos son parte importante de cada etapa de la vida, en la cual recibimos el regalo de la gracia de Dios. A través de la gracia que se nos ha dado en los sacramentos, Jesús nos lleva a la comunión con Él mismo, el Padre y el Espíritu Santo, y con los demás en la Iglesia.

Volumen II  Guia para Lideres Sample

Cotización Compre

Una Familia de Fe Volumen III

La Vida en Cristo

Este año se centra en la vida moral y lo que significa vivir de la manera que Dios quiere que nosotros vivamos. De los Diez Mandamientos a las Bienaventuranzas al gran mandamiento, a lo largo de la Historia de la Salvación, Dios nos ha proporcionado modelos para vivir virtuosamente. En última instancia, nos envió a Cristo mismo, quien es el modelo perfecto de santidad y nos llama a vivir como Él y en Él. Juntos, las familias llegarán a una apreciación más profunda del cristianismo, no solo como uno conjunto de reglas, sino como una forma de vida plena, totalmente inmersa en Cristo y conduciéndoles a la vida con Él en el cielo para siempre.

Volumen III  Guia para Lideres Sample

Cotización Compre

Una Familia de Fe Volumen IV

La Oración Cristiana

Este volumen se centra en la oración cristiana y por qué es tan esencial para crecer en nuestra relación con Dios. Después de explorar la oración en las Escrituras y la Historia de la Salvación, las familias aprenden la riqueza del Padre Nuestro, las mayores expresiones de la oración, y el ejemplo de la Virgen María en conversaciones con Dios. A lo largo de todo el año, se ayuda a las familias a poner en práctica todo este aprendizaje a través de una vida de oración fiel. 

Volumen IV  Guia para Lideres Sample

Cotización Compre


Does A Family of Faith replace faith formation or religious education classes?

It can, but doesn’t have to. Some parishes offer A Family of Faith as an alternative to traditional faith formation classes, and some use it in place of these classes. Parents are also free to purchase and use the program on their own.

Shouldn’t the religious education of children be left to the parish?

Since the current faith formation and religious education model is struggling to transform family life, and since many young people who go through faith formation are leaving the faith, we are proposing a new model (which is actually an ancient model) where the parish focuses on catechizing the parents in order to strengthen parent/child engagement in the Faith. This increases the likelihood that a child will receive an authentic education in the Faith and develop into a knowledgeable and practicing Catholic. Countless studies have shown that parental engagement with the child is the single most effective way to develop young people into disciples of Christ.

But what if parents don’t want to be bothered and remove their child from religious instruction altogether? Wouldn’t we be better off just maintaining the status quo?

This did not prove to be the case in the pilot tests we conducted among nine parishes nationwide. While it is true that some parents will likely decide to offer no instruction than to participate in this program, the vast majority of families are finding A Family of Faith to be far more flexible, enabling them to transform the family activities they already do into encounters with God. Parents are able to enter into those “teachable moments” of everyday life. A Family of Faith leads parents into a conversion to Jesus Christ, which is beneficial to the parish, but most of all to the children they are raising.

Is there a lot of work involved for families? How much time will this program take?

No. There are two lessons to teach each month, along with a variety of family and child activities. Each lesson should take no more than 30-45 minutes to complete, and requires minimal preparation on the part of the parent. For the parish catechists, our leader’s guide provides them with ice breakers, presentation notes, discussion questions and answers, and step-by-step instructions for activities, freeing the catechist from the burden of developing all of this on his or her own.

For what age children has this program been developed?

Because this program focuses on teaching the faith to parents and helping them make it an organic part of family life, it is perfect for parents with children of all ages. For example, a monthly feature called “Your Catholic Home” gives specific advice for ways to make the Faith a regular part of each day. The Children’s Activity Books are recommended for children in grades K-8, and features engaging activities at various grade levels. Parents can skip the activities they believe are too elementary or too advanced for their child.

Does my child have to be a strong reader?

No. Although readings and written activities are offered, the Children’s Activity Book and Parent’s Guide offer a wide variety of activities using numerous strategies to impart and assess knowledge that do not rely on reading or writing.

How many meetings are required per month?

We recommend and provide everything you need for two meetings per month: one 90-minute session early in the month with parents only, and a second 90-minute community meeting after Sunday Mass near the end of the month. The 90-minute session catechizes parents and helps them to deepen their knowledge of the Faith. Entire families attend the 90-minute community meeting, which is meant to help ensure accountability and build community through games and other family activities.

What tools does the program offer to ensure accountability?

The program offers several options, along with a planning worksheet for parish teams to determine how they will build in accountability. For example: Families are given a year-long project that they will add to each month; catechists may require parents to bring these projects in occasionally to check progress. Each community meeting begins with a question and answer session with children, which gives the catechist a chance to assess the knowledge of individual children. Finally, the last session of each year features a fun and interactive game with dozens of questions covering content from the whole year. This game could be used as a final written assessment if desired.

How does the program handle sacramental preparation?

A Family of Faith does not treat the Sacraments as isolated events and is not designed to serve as preparation for receiving the Sacraments. Students grow in their spiritual journey through regular activities with their parents, prayer, Mass attendance, and participation in parish life. Because this program moves away from grade-based cohorts and focuses on transmitting the faith as a whole, preparation to receive the Sacraments occurs as the child naturally matures and shows evidence of understanding. Each child’s readiness to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation should be assessed on an individual basis. If a parish has a sacramental preparation program assessment, it may be offered in addition to the content presented in A Family of Faith.

How will I know my children are learning?

You will undoubtedly see your children learn as they memorize Scripture verses and are able to define key words of our Catholic Faith. Children will demonstrate in conversations their understanding of concepts of the Faith, and you’ll see them begin to live their Faith through service projects, an enriched prayer life, and a deepening relationship with Jesus Christ. The child’s desire to know, love, and serve Jesus is proof that they are learning and becoming a disciple of Christ.

Does the program offer help for getting families involved?

Yes. We offer tools for planning, tips for developing an “elevator pitch” and getting the word out, strategies for recruiting and retaining families, a sample bulletin announcement, and much more.

What is your return policy?

New Return Policy Effective December 2017: We are delighted that you have selected A Family of Faith for your parish. We encourage you to order all that you need for your parish program, you may choose to order extra copies as you anticipate growth. If you ordered more than necessary, you are welcome to return unused copies in new condition within 90 days of purchase. After that time we not be able to accept returns. As a not for profit apostolate this allows Sophia to manage resources prudently. Thank you for your understanding and support.

Let’s make it work in your Parish

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