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A Simple Marian Procession

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Lesson Overview

Processions do not have to be long or big or complicated. Here are just a few simple ways to make this an annual event for your parish or family!

Lesson Materials


  • From your designated gathering spot, welcome everyone and start with a Marian hymn.
  • Follow this by praying a litany. 
  • Process to the statue or image of Mary. Say a decade of the Rosary or sing another hymn as you walk. 
  • If you have a statue, place a crown on Mary’s head. 
  • You can extend this event by giving students the "Our Lady" coloring page on which they can add thoughts or images of things that stood out for them during the activity (If needed, you can just cut out the image of the crown and affix that to the top of Mary's head in the picture).  You might also want to incorporate having your students/families make a Rosary chaplet which could be used during the procession
  • Wrap up with another Marian prayer - perhaps the Memorare or Hail Holy Queen.
  • As time allows, gather for refreshments and fellowship.
  • Know that we don't have to travel far to experience the Catholic tradition of pilgrimage either.  Here is an idea that can be done at home or the parish. If you have additional time or need something that can work with older students, consider leading them on a Marian Mini-Pilgrimage!



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