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Liturgical Pacing




Feasts for September

  1. 1 Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
  2. 5 St. Teresa of Calcutta/ Santa Teresa de Calcuta
  3. 8 Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary/ La Natividad de la Santísima Virgen María
  4. Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
  5. 9 St. Peter Claver/ San Pedro Claver
  6. 13 St. John Chrysostom/ San Juan Crisóstomo
  7. 14 Exaltation of the Holy Cross/ La Exaltación de la Santa Cruz
  8. 15 Our Lady of Sorrows/ Nuestra Señora de los Dolores
  9. Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
  10. 17 St. Robert Bellarmine / San Roberto Belarmino
  11. 18 St. Joseph of Cupertino / San José de Cupertino
  12. 21 St. Matthew/ San Mateo
  13. 22 Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
  14. 23 St. Pio of Pietrelcina/ San Pío de Pietrelcina
  15. 24 Our Lady of Walsingham
  16. Mary Mother of Mercy/ María, Madre de la Misericordia
  17. 27 St. Vincent de Paul/ San Vicente de Paúl
  18. 29 Sts. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael/ Santos Arcángeles Miguel, Rafael y Gabriel
  19. Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
  20. 30 St. Jerome/ San Jerónimo

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