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Lesson 2

Evidence of the Soul from Our Transcendental Desires

The universal human desire for transcendental goods beyond the material is evidence of a non-physical soul.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Myth
    A story that expresses ultimate truth and meaning.
  • Archetype
    A mythic symbol that transcends culture, seemingly present in our unconscious minds. From the Greek for “origin.”
  • Transcendental Desires
    The universal human longing for perfect love, truth, beauty, goodness, and being
  • Truth (Transcendental)
    Complete Awareness of knowledge of everything about everything. Perfect Truth is God Himself.
  • Love (Transcendental)
    Perfect willing of the good of the other. Perfect Love is God Himself.
  • Goodness (Transcendental)
  • Justice (Transcendental)
    Perfect giving receiving of what is due. Perfect Justice is God Himself.
  • Beauty (Transcendental)
    Radiance, splendor, harmonious resonance. Perfect beauty is God Himself.
  • Being (Transcendental)
    Perfect existence at home in the cosmos. God, who is perfect being, exists through Himself.
  • Numinous Experience
    Rudolf Otto’s term for the near-universal human interior experience of something transcendent and divine which presents itself to us as “wholly Other.”
  • Conscience
    The gift God gave human beings to be able to use reason in order to judge right from wrong. Our conscience is God’s voice in our hearts.
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