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Lesson 11

The Uniqueness of Jesus’ Revelation of God

Christianity is unique among world religions because Jesus claimed that He is God and God is Love.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Hellenistic
    Of or relating to ancient Greek history, language, and culture.
  • Pax Romana
    A time of relative peace and stability throughout the Roman Empire. It was during this time that Jesus was born. Also called the “Roman Peace.”
  • Abba
    An affectionate Hebrew word for Father some scholars suggest was similar to “Daddy.” Jesus taught us to call God “Abba, Father” when we pray.
  • Beatitudes
    Eight ways of living Jesus taught at the Sermon on the Mount that will lead us to perfect happiness and fulfillment, which we ultimately find with God in Heaven.
  • Sermon on the Mount
    The central teaching of Christ’s public ministry. During this teaching on a wide variety of topics, Jesus delivered the Beatitudes and the Lord’s Prayer.
  • Samaritan
    A member of a group of people living in Israel during the time of Jesus. The Jewish people looked down upon the Samaritans and would not speak to them in public.
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