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Lesson 6

The Patriarchs

God called Abraham, the father of faith, to enter into a covenant with Him and to be the father of His Chosen People.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Patriarchs
    (n.): The fathers of the People of Israel: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
  • Promised Land
    (n.): The land promised to Abraham’s descendants by God, and the destination of the Israelites in the Exodus, where they would live in freedom from slavery in Egypt. The Promised Land foreshadows the coming of the Kingdom of God.
  • Shalom
    (n.): Hebrew for “peace.”
  • Tithing
    (v.): The practice of giving a percentage of one’s income to a religious organization.
  • Theophany
    (n.): A profound manifestation, or revelation, of God.
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