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Lesson 12

In the New World

With the discovery of the New World, rich Western countries extended their territories, funded profit-making exploration, and simultaneously strove to spread the Catholic Faith to the far corners of the globe.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Aztec Empire
    (n.): The Meso-American society of three city-states that existed from 1345-1521 in the region of what is now central Mexico. The Aztecs were polytheistic and practiced a brutal religion that involved tens of thousands of human sacrifices annually.
  • Our Lady of Guadalupe
    (n.): The title of the Marian apparitions granted to St. Juan Diego in 1531 as well as the venerated image of Our Lady that appeared on his tilma. Word of the miracle spread, and within ten years nearly ten million Mexican natives were converted to the Catholic Faith, and the practice of human sacrifice came to a complete stop.
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