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Lesson 2

The Divine Foundation of the Catholic Church

The Church includes those who belong to the Church on earth, the angels and saints in Heaven, and the souls in Purgatory.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Church
    (n.): The name given to the assembly of the People of God whom He has called together from all the ends of the earth. It is both the earthly institution established by Christ during His earthly life to mediate the gift of salvation on earth, and the heavenly communion of all the saints together with God and His angels.
  • Messiah
    (n.): The Hebrew word for “anointed one” and the title given to the Savior God promised to the people of Israel.
  • Kingdom of Heaven (Kingdom of God)
    (n.): God’s reign, or rule, over all things. During His public ministry, Jesus proclaimed that the Kingdom of God was at hand. The Church is the seed, or beginning, of the Kingdom here on earth. The Kingdom will be fulfilled in Heaven.
  • Incarnation
    (n.): The fact that the Son of God assumed human nature and became man in order to accomplish our salvation. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the second Person of the Trinity, is both true God and true man.
  • Pentecost
    (n.): The day when Jesus sent the Holy Spirit upon Mary and the Apostles and the Church was born. Fifty days after Jesus’ Resurrection (10 days after His Ascension into Heaven), Mary and the Apostles gathered in the Upper Room and were filled with the Holy Spirit, who came in a rush of wind and appeared as tongues of fire over their heads.
  • Catholic
    (adj.): Universal
  • Totus Christus
    (n.): Latin for “whole Christ.” An Augustinian doctrine that the saints and angels in Heaven, the souls in Purgatory, and the faithful on earth make up Christ’s Mystical Body. The Church, united with Christ who is her head, makes up the “whole Christ.”
  • Parousia
    (n.): Word for the Second Coming of Christ. From the ancient Greek word for “arrival” or “official visit.”
  • Nicene Creed
    (n.): The Profession of Faith set forth by the Councils of Nicaea (AD 325) and Constantinople (AD 381), and typically recited at Sunday Mass, which affirms the essential tenets of the Christian Faith and belief in the Holy Trinity.
  • Four Marks of the Church
    (n.): Four essential and definitive characteristics of the Roman Catholic Church founded by Jesus Christ: She is one, holy, catholic, and apostolic.
  • Divine Revelation
    (n.): God’s communication of Himself, by which He makes known the mystery of His divine plan by deeds and words over time, and most fully by sending His Son, Jesus Christ.
  • Deposit of Faith
    (n.): The full content of divine revelation communicated by Christ, contained in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition, handed on in the Church from the time of the Apostles, and from which the Magisterium draws all that it proposes for belief as being divinely revealed.
  • Canon of Scripture
    (n.): The official list of inspired books that make up the Bible
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