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Lesson 4

Longing for the Fulfillment of the Promise

The Old Testament is the record of the unfolding of God’s plan of salvation in human history.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Salvation History
    (n.): The story of God’s love and mercy revealed to us throughout human history, culminating in Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross and Resurrection from the Dead which won for us salvation from sin and death.
  • Messiah
    (n.): The Hebrew word for “anointed one” and the title given to the Savior God promised to the people of Israel.
  • Covenant
    (n.): A sacred permanent bond of family relationship. God entered into a series of covenants with His People throughout Salvation History to invite us to be part of His divine family and to prepare us gradually and in stages, and in words and deeds, to receive the gift of salvation.
  • Sacrifice
    (v.): Giving up, or offering something valuable back to God as a sign of worship, thanksgiving, or atonement for sin.
  • Gentiles
    (n.): People of non-Jewish ethnicity
  • Passover
    (n.): The central event of the Exodus. The final plague God sent upon Egypt was the plague of the death of the first born of every family in Egypt. By sacrificing a lamb, spreading its blood on their doorposts, and eating its roasted flesh in a sacred meal of bread and wine, the Israelite homes would be passed over by the plague of death. God also commanded that the Israelites remember this original Passover event every year with a memorial meal. The original Passover foreshadows Christ’s own sacrifice on the Cross.
  • The Law
    (n.): Rules for a moral life given to Moses by God at Mount Sinai and summarized in the Ten Commandments.
  • Decalogue
    (n.): Title for the Ten Commandments, from the Greek for “Ten Words” (deca=ten; logos=word).
  • New Covenant
    (n.): The new and everlasting covenant won for us by Christ’s Paschal Mystery. In this covenant is the fulfillment of centuries of prophecies and all of God’s promises for the forgiveness of sins. We are made members of the New Covenant by our Baptism and we renew and participate in the covenant every time we receive the Eucharist. All people are invited to be members of the New Covenant.
  • Paschal Mystery
    (n.): Christ’s work of redemption accomplished by His Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension.
  • Types
    (n.): People or things in the Old Testament that foreshadow people or things in the New Testament.
  • Circumcision
    (n.): The sign of God’s covenant with Abraham that prefigures Baptism. It is the removal of the foreskin from the penis.
  • Eucharist
    (n.): The Sacrament in which we receive the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ under the appearances of bread and wine. The Eucharist is the source and summit of our Christian life and spiritual food for the soul. Not merely a symbol, it is Jesus’ true Flesh and Blood.
  • Promised Land
    (n.): The land promised to Abraham’s descendants by God, and the destination of the Israelites in the Exodus, where they would live in freedom from slavery in Egypt. The Promised Land foreshadows the coming of the Kingdom of God.
  • Judges
    (n.): Temporary leaders raised by God for His people as they settled into the Promised Land. These judges led military victories against foreign invaders, settled debts between the tribes, and called the people continually to right worship and relationship with God.
  • Kingdom of Israel
    (n.): The name of the northern kingdom, with its capital in Samaria, after the original Kingdom of David split into two.
  • Kingdom of Judah
    (n.): The name of the southern kingdom, with its capital in Jerusalem, after the original Kingdom of David split into two.
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