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Lesson 28

Jesus Fulfills the Old Testament Role of Priest

Jesus fulfills the priesthood of the Old Testament and of Melchizedek by offering Himself on the Cross for the sins of all.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Holy Orders
    The Sacrament through which the mission entrusted by Christ to His Apostles continues to be carried out in the Church until the end of time. This Sacrament ordains men to the priesthood of the Catholic Church and bestows upon them the power to administer the Sacraments.
  • In Persona Christi Capitis
    Latin for “in the Person of Christ the Head.” This phrase refers to the priest, through whom Jesus works to change the bread and wine into His Body and Blood.
  • Priest
    Co-workers with their bishops who serve the faithful by building up and guiding the Church. Priests preach the Gospel of Christ and act in the person of Christ when they administer the Sacraments to the People of God, especially the Holy Eucharist. The task of a priest in the Old Testament was to guard and protect God’s dwelling place, the tabernacle, and to serve Him.
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