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Lesson 2

Sacred Scripture: The Written Revelation of God

Sacred Scripture is the written record of God’s revelation of Himself.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Revelation
    An act of making known divine truth. From the beginning, God made Himself and His plan for us known gradually and in stages and in words and deeds.
  • Sacred Scripture
    The written record of God’s revelation of Himself. It is the speech of God put down in writing under the breath of the Holy Spirit. The Word of God.
  • Sacred Tradition
    The mode of transmission of the Word of God given to the Apostles by Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The Apostles in turn handed it on to their successors, the bishops.
  • Magisterium
    The teaching authority of the Church and those who exercise that authority, the pope and all of the world’s bishops in union with the pope. The Magisterium of the Church authentically teaches and interprets the Word of God so that the faithful might be saved. (2051, 939)
  • Deposit of Faith
    The whole content of the Christian faith formed by Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition together. The deposit of faith was revealed by God through Jesus Christ and has been faithfully guarded and interpreted by the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.
  • Word of God
    A title for Jesus Christ and a title for Sacred Scripture. Jesus is the Word of God become flesh in the Incarnation. In Him, God has revealed all that is necessary for the sake of our salvation. We meet Jesus in Sacred Scripture, the Word of God written down to preserve and communicate the Good News of salvation. (97, 479, 483, 561, 1190, 1408, 1802)
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