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Lesson 2

The Exodus Is the Central Saving Event of the Old Testament

God worked many signs and wonders through Moses to prove to the Egyptians and the Israelites that He is the one true God.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Slavery
    When a person or group of people is controlled by someone or something else and is not free to what he or she wants. The Israelites were slaves in Egypt for many centuries before the Exodus.
  • Israelites
    The descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob before they became the nation of Israel.
  • Redeemer
    A person who saves or frees others from slavery or oppression. Moses was the redeemer of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. He foreshadowed Jesus, our true Redeemer from sin.
  • Signs and Wonders
    The miracles that God worked in Egypt as sign of His power as the God of the universe. These miracles foreshadowed the miracles Jesus would later perform as signs of God’s love and mercy and that He is truly the Son of God.
  • Plagues
    Ten miraculous signs God sent upon Egypt during the Exodus as a sign of His power as the God of the universe. Examples of the plagues include turning the water of the Nile River to blood, sending large amounts of frogs to fill the land, darkness, and the final plague of the death of the first born in Egypt.
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