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Lesson 5

Jesus Fulfills the Old Testament Role of Prophet

Jesus fulfills the Old Testament role of prophet by doing God’s will, speaking God’s truth to the people, and revealing God to the people.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Prophet
    In the Old Testament, the prophets were God’s spokespersons who made known God’s message to His people. They proclaimed hope and salvation to the people if they would repent and worship God. Jesus fulfills this role not by speaking for God, but because He is God. He did God’s will throughout His life and spoke God’s truth to the people. He revealed God to the people and taught about God’s law and love. (2) One of the original roles God gave to Adam in the Garden of Eden. The task of a prophet in the Old Testament was to speak on God’ behalf and be His spokesperson. Adam was given the job of naming all of the animals, a right reserved for their creator. Adam, then, was God’s spokesperson and acted as the first prophet.
  • Suffering Servant
    In the Old Testament, Isaiah prophesied, or foretold, or a person who come to voluntarily suffer in atonement for the sins of the people. His suffering would save the people from just punishment at the hands of God. Jesus perfectly fulfills this prophecy by His suffering and death on the Cross.
  • Word of God
    A title for Jesus Christ and a title for Sacred Scripture. Jesus is the Word of God become flesh in the Incarnation. In Him, God has revealed all that is necessary for the sake of our salvation. We meet Jesus in Sacred Scripture, the Word of God written down to preserve and communicate the Good News of salvation. (97, 479, 483, 561, 1190, 1408, 1802)
  • Sermon on the Mount
    The central teaching of Christ’s public ministry. During this teaching on a wide variety of topics, Jesus delivers the Beatitudes and the Lord’s Prayer. He also spends time talking about the teachings of the Old Law (the law of the Old Testament, or the Law of Moses). While He makes it clear that the Old Law is still in effect, He delivers new teachings or laws that deepen the requirements of His followers and challenge us to go beyond just what the law tells us not to do.
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