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Lesson 15

The Purpose and Benefit of the Church

The Church exists to carry on Jesus’ saving mission and provide a community for believers.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Canon
    The official list of inspired books that appear in the Bible. The Catholic canon of Scripture includes 46 Old Testament books and 27 New Testament books
  • Hagiographies
    A biography of a saint or Church leader. Also used to refer to any biography that idealizes its subject.
  • Lectio Divina
    An ancient form of praying with Scripture that is a slow and thoughtful encounter with the Word of God. Latin for “divine reading.”
  • Prayer
    Raising one’s mind and heart to God in praise of His glory, asking for some desired good, giving Him thanks, or asking for His blessing on others. Through a life of prayer we experience a relationship with God.
  • Worship
    Adoration, honor, devotion, and reverence given to God out of love for Him.
  • Praise
    To tell someone exactly what is good about him or her, or about something he or she has done. We praise God when we celebrate His goodness. We praise God when we thank Him with words or actions of joy.
  • Petition
    To make a request of an authority. In prayers of petition, we ask God for our own needs, the needs of others, and for good things.
  • Mass
    The Eucharist or liturgical celebration and memorial of Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross and Resurrection established by Jesus at the Last Supper.
  • Sacraments
    A sign of God’s grace that gives the grace that it signifies. Jesus founded seven Sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, Penance and Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Holy Matrimony.
  • Deposit of Faith
    The full content of divine revelation communicated by Christ, contained in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition, handed on in the Church from the time of the Apostles, and from which the Magisterium draws all that it proposes for belief as being divinely revealed.
  • Doctrine
    Official teaching or set of beliefs; Catholic doctrine is all of Church teaching on faith and morals. It is based on canonical Scripture and Sacred Tradition as interpreted authoritatively by the magisterium of the Catholic Church.
  • Dignity
    The state of being worthy of honor or respect. All human beings from unborn babies to the elderly have equal dignity as children of God.
  • Examen Prayer
    A daily (or frequent and regular) exercise of reflecting on the morality of our conduct and determining concrete steps to reform our lives.
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