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Lesson 9

The Bible in Relation to Science and History

Scripture teaches you real truths about the world and the history of the relationship between God and man.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Encyclical
    (n.): A pastoral letter written by the pope and sent to the whole Church and even to the whole world, to express Church teaching on some important matter. Encyclicals are expressions of the ordinary papal Magisterium.
  • Textual Criticism
    (n.): The name given to the analysis of early manuscripts of Scripture to establish the text’s earliest form.
  • Source Criticism
    (n.): The name given to the analysis of the original sources from where the sacred authors of Scripture may have drawn material for their own writing.
  • "Q" Source
    (n.): A collection of Jesus’ sayings that Matthew, Mark, and Luke are believed by some to have drawn upon for the writing of their Gospels. There is no evidence for the existence of the “Q” source; its existence and purported use by the Evangelists is purely speculation.
  • Dead Sea Scrolls
    (n.): Ancient scrolls written by the Jewish sect known as the Essenes found in 1946 in a cave near the Dead Sea. These scrolls contain some of the oldest known versions of Old Testament books.
  • Nag Hammadi
    (n.): A collection of ancient Gnostic texts found buried in a jar in Egypt in 1946. These texts give unique insight about the Gnostic heresy of the time.
  • Targumim
    (n.): Aramaic paraphrases of the Old Testament originating from around the time of Christ that help us understand how the Jews of Jesus’ time understood Scripture and are important for textual criticism of the Old Testament.
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