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Lesson 1

The Creation of the World and Our First Parents

The story of creation found in Genesis must be read in the right context in order to properly understand it.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Genesis
    (n.): The first book of the Bible, which describes God’s creation of the world and humanity, and the drama of sin and the hope for salvation.
  • Sacred Scripture
    (n.): The written record of God’s revelation of Himself. contained in the Old and New Testaments. It was composed by human authors inspired by the Holy Spirit. The Bible. The Word of God.
  • The Heavens and the Earth
    (n.): A poetic phrase used by the sacred author of Genesis that describes all God created, everything that is, both invisible and spiritual (heavens) and the material (the earth).
  • Polytheistic
    (adj.): Characterized by belief in many gods.
  • Divine Logos
    (n.): The Divine Word of God. Logos is Greek for “word.”
  • Holy Trinity
    (n.): The Christian mystery revealed to us by God that He is three Persons in One God: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
  • Angel
    (n.): A purely spiritual, immortal, personal being created by God who serves as His servant and messenger. Angels have intelligence and free will, and have appeared to human beings in human form. Comes from the word angelos, which means “messenger.”
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