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Lesson 4

Human Happiness and the Law

Happiness is the goal of a moral life.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Law
    (n.): An ordinance of reason promulgated by a proper authority for the common good.
  • Eternal Law
    (n.): The source of all law, God Himself: the eternal and unchanging Truth outside of time and space.
  • Natural Law
    (n.): Humans’ participation in the eternal law by reading what is written upon our hearts through the use of our reason. It is unchanging and permanent throughout history
  • Human Rights
    (n.): Those things to which we have a just claim because we need them in order to fulfill the moral responsibilities of our human nature. For example, the right to freedom of religion allows us to fulfill the duty we owe to God.
  • Civil Law
    (n.): The set of laws people make by their own powers, such as the laws of various federal, state, and local governments.
  • Divine Law
    (n.): The law that comes to us from God’s revelation in history, begun with the Ten Commandments and the prophets, brought to fulfillment by Christ, and further elucidated by the Magisterium.
  • Old Law
    (n.): The laws of the Old Covenant given by God to His Chosen People and summarized in the Ten Commandments.
  • New Law
    (n.): The law of the New Covenant established by Jesus, found especially in the teaching of the Sermon on the Mount and the two great commandments. It is the perfection here on earth of the Divine Law, natural and revealed.
  • Gospel
    (n.): One of the first four books of the New Testament. They are the heart of the Scriptures and proclaim the Good News of salvation won for us by the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Gospels are our primary source of knowledge of life of Jesus Christ. The word Gospel means “Good News.”
  • Ten Commandments
    (n.): The ten rules for a moral life given by God to His Chosen People through Moses on Mount Sinai. The first three Commandments teach us how to love God; the last seven teach us how to love our neighbor as ourselves.
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