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Lesson 21

The Passover

The sacrificial lamb was a sign of the Passover that saved the Israelites from the Angel of Death.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Eucharist
    The Eucharist is the Sacrament in which we receive the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ under the appearances of bread and wine. The Eucharist is the source and summit of our Christian life. It is spiritual food for the soul. It is not just a symbol but is Jesus' true flesh and blood.
  • Lamb of God
    Jesus is the Lamb of God whose sacrifice on the Cross freed us from sin and spiritual death. Just as the Israelites had to eat flesh of the Paschal Lamb for the sacrifice to be complete, Jesus gave us His Body and Blood in the Eucharist at the Last Supper for us to receive the blessings of the Passover of the New Covenant.
  • Last Supper
    The final meal Jesus shared with His Apostles. It was a Passover meal. Jesus, the Lamb of God, transformed the sacred meal into the Passover of the New Covenant by giving us His Body and Blood to eat in the Eucharist. (1412)
  • Memorial Feast
    A sacred meal shared to remember, or make present again, an important event of the past. God commanded the Israelites to share a memorial feast each year to re-present the events of the Passover. Every Mass is a memorial feast that makes Christ’s one sacrifice on the Cross present to us today.
  • Paschal Lamb
    The lamb sacrificed by each Israelite family during the Passover. The blood of the lamb on the Israelite door posts was sign for their homes to be passed over by the plague of death.
  • Passover
    The central event of the Exodus. The final plague God sent upon Egypt was the plague of the death of the first born of every family in Egypt. By sacrificing a lamb, spreading its blood on their doorposts, and eating its roasted flesh in a sacred meal of bread and wine, the Israelite homes would be passed over by the plague of death. God also commanded that the Israelites remember this original Passover event every year with a memorial meal. The original Passover foreshadows Christ’s own sacrifice on the Cross.
  • Sacrifice
    In ancient times, people offered the life of an animal to God as way to praise God by, to give thanks to God, to honor a new beginning or to swear an oath, or as an expression of sorrow for sin. The original Passover required the sacrifice of a lamb. Jesus offered Himself as the supreme sacrifice to redeem all people from sin. (561, 1407)
  • Traditions
    The Church passes on the Word of God that was entrusted to the Apostles by Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
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