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Lesson 3

The End of Time: The Last Things

At the end of time the four last things will be: death, judgement, heaven, and hell.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Unity
    Coming together as one. Jesus founded one Church and desires for His Church to be one and come together as one People of God united by one belief, one worship, and one liturgy.
  • Ecumenism
    The work of restoring unity among all Christians.
  • Schism
    Division within the Church.
  • Heretic
    One who teaches false things about God, Jesus, salvation, the Church, and other important parts of the Christian faith.
  • Holiness
    means being holy; living the Christian life to the fullest by loving and serving God and our neighbor as Jesus taught us.
  • Catholic
    Universal. The third mark of the Church is that the Church is catholic, or universal. This means that the Church is for all people in every time and place. Her truths apply to all people throughout time.
  • Evangelization
    Sharing the Good News of the Gospel message of salvation with all the world. At the command of Jesus, the Church’s mission is to evangelize the whole world.
  • Disciple
    A disciple is a student. The disciples were followers, or students, of Jesus. Jesus had thousands of disciples. All Christians are His disciples today.
  • Apostles
    (n.): A term meaning “one who is sent,” as Jesus was sent by His Father, and as He sent His chosen disciples to preach the Gospel to the whole world. He called Twelve to become His Apostles, chosen witnesses of His Resurrection and the foundation on which the Church is built.
  • Authority
    Power or influence over another’s thought, opinion, or behavior. Jesus gave His authority to Peter and the Apostles and to their successors, the bishops.
  • Apostolic Succession
    The handing on of apostolic preaching and authority from the Apostles to their successors the bishops through the laying on of hands, as a permanent office in the Church. The fourth mark of the Church is that the Church is apostolic, which means that the Church is built on the lasting foundation of the Apostles. (869, 1209)
  • Pope
    The pope is the head of the Catholic Church on earth, the Bishop of Rome, and the successor of St. Peter.
  • Bishop
    A bishop is typically the leader of a diocese and a main teacher of the Catholic Faith. He makes the Sacraments available to the people of his diocese. He is a successor to the Apostles.
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