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Spirit of Truth, Home Edition > Grade 3 > Unit 5

Lesson 27: The Sacrament of Baptism

Baptism is the first Sacrament we receive. It makes us members of the Church, forgives our sins, and gives us new life in Christ.

Spirit of Truth, Home Edition > Grade 3 > Unit 5

Lesson 28: The Sacrament of Confirmation

Confirmation gives a special strength to witness to the Christian faith and to defend against sin and temptation.

Spirit of Truth, High School > Course D > Unit 4

Chapter 12: The Celebration of Holy Orders

Discernment of a vocation to the priesthood requires that a man develop his relationship with God through prayer, frequent reception of the Sacraments, the help of a vocations director, and typically six years of study including at a seminary.

A Family of Faith > Volume 4 > April

Lesson 13: Prayer and the Communcion of Saints

The aim of this lesson is for your children to discover that one of our greatest aids to prayer is to read the lives and writings of the saints. Their lives inspire us to lead holy lives, and their instructions can guide us on how to develop our prayer lives. The Church recognizes the saints in Heaven because they lived lives of heroic virtue—lives that should inspire us to imitate them. We know they are holy because they are in Heaven, and the way that they achieved this holiness was through an intimate life of prayer with God.

Spirit of Truth, Parish Edition > Grade 2 > Unit 1

Lesson 6: We meet God in the Sacraments

In a Sacrament, God uses something physical and from this world to do something supernatural from Heaven.

Spirit of Truth, School Edition > Grade 2 > Unit 1

Lesson 6: We meet God in the Sacraments

In a Sacrament, God uses something physical and from this world to do something supernatural from Heaven.

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