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A Family of Faith > Volume 3 > October

Lesson 2: Our Choice Between Life and Death

The truth of who we are — human persons made in the image and likeness of God — is at the beginning of your children’s study of our Life in Christ. We need to understand how God made us if we are to understand how we are to live the life that God has planned for us — which is to know, love, and serve Him on earth and be happy with Him forever in Heaven. From our conception, God destined us for Heaven. But because God gave us free will, we can choose between life in Christ or death in sin.

A Family of Faith > Volume 1 > October

Lesson 2: In God, the Father Almighty

Children begin to understand the mystery of God and how we can know Him, His divine attributes, and
the Trinity. Your children also begin to enter into the “story” of God’s great plan as we examine God the Creator and His creation.

A Family of Faith > Volume 2 > October

Lesson 1: God is the Source of All Life

The aim of this lesson is for your children to understand that God is the Creator of everything that is, including everything we can see and everything we cannot see. God is the source of all life, and everything good comes from Him. Your children will also begin to understand that God communicates invisible, spiritual realities to us through visible, material signs and symbols in creation.

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