Join Our Team

Are you a committed Catholic who
takes seriously the mission to share the Gospel?

Are you passionate about
supporting Catholic education?

Do you crave being part of a team
who shares your drive and commitment to excellence?

Then a position at
Sophia Teachers
may be right for you!

Open Positions

Education Programs Coordinator (Nashua, NH office – remote work is not an option for this position)

Warehouse Assistant (Nashua, NH office – remote work is not an option for this position)

Neither Sophia Institute for Teachers nor any apostolate of Sophia Institute requires the Covid vaccine as a condition of employment. 

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Fill out the form below and we will contact you when we post a new position that matches your interests/location. If you want to be contacted about all positions in Nashua, check the box for “anything and everything!”. If your interests change, or it has been more than one year since you filled out this form, please feel free to fill it out again.

Job Opportunities
Event: Registration and login form

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