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Mary’s Month and Mother’s Day

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Lesson Overview

Mother’s Day calls to mind the gratitude and love that we have for our mothers. Motherhood forms a powerful and unbreakable bond between mother and child, and throughout our lives we remember the countless sacrifices our mothers have made for us so our lives can flourish. Scripture often uses the image of a mother’s love as a way to illustrate the depth of God’s nurturing love for each of us. This image has been made all the more powerful by the miracle of the Incarnation, in which God who created the heavens and the earth submitted Himself to being conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary, truly becoming her Son. As a child, Our Lord Jesus Christ submitted Himself in obedience to His father and mother, giving us a perfect example to follow. From the Cross, He placed the whole world under the motherly care and protection of Mary. This Mother’s Day let us remember the wonderful and miraculous gift of motherhood as we experience it both in our own families and in the universal Church. Let us imitate Christ and show our mother how much we love her!

In this lesson your students will:

  • Learn why Catholic Tradition gives Mary and the Church the title “Mother”.
  • Consider a mother’s role in God’s plan for the family.
  • Discuss what it means to honor our parents.
  • Explore Christ’s obedience to His own Mother and ways we can imitate Him.

NOTE: For younger students a Mary, the Mother of God read-aloud story and coloring page
activity is included in this lesson.

Lesson Materials


Video: “Why Catholics Call Mary Their Mother,” found at the following link: SophiaOnline.Org/WhyCatholicsCallMaryMother

Mary’s Month and Mother’s Day

Older Student Instructions:

  • First, have your students read over the Gospel passages in the Motherhood in Scripture warm-up activity and consider the reflection questions.
  • Then, give your students Catechism of the Catholic Church nos. 169, 501, 511, 2200, 2215 & 2217, and have them watch the video titled Why Catholics Call Mary Their Mother, found at the following link: SophiaOnline.Org/WhyCatholicsCallMaryMother
  • Have students reflect on what they read in the Catechism and compare it with what they learned in the video using the focus and reflection questions.
  • Have your students share their answers with the class if you are teaching virtually or write them out if they are studying from home. Consider having your students write a letter to their mothers thanking them for the gift of life and the sacrifices they have made for them.
  • Finally, have your students end by praying the Prayer for Parents.

Younger Student Instructions:

  • First, have your students read over the Gospel passages in the Motherhood in Scripture warm-up activity and consider the reflection questions.
  • Then, have your students watch the video titled Why Catholics Call Mary Their Mother, found at the following link: SophiaOnline.Org/WhyCatholicsCallMaryMother
  • Have your students read about Mary from the Mary, the Mother of God read-aloud page, and then color the picture of Mary.
  • Have your students write a letter to their mothers thanking them for the gift of life and the sacrifices they have made for them.
  • Finally, have your students end by praying the Prayer for Parents.

Answer Key

Focus and Reflection Questions

  1. We call the Church our Mother because it is through her that we receive the life of faith. Accept reasoned answers. The Church’s role as mother is accomplished through the Sacraments, especially Baptism, by which we are born into the faith, and through her teachings, etc.
  2. “Jesus is Mary’s only son, but her spiritual motherhood extends to all men whom indeed he came to save.” We have been made brothers of Christ by our Baptism, and so we too can call Mary “mother.”
  3. Because “By her obedience she became the new Eve, mother of the living.” Mary’s title “mother of the living” is significant because Eve was first given this title in the Garden of Eden, but through her disobedience all mankind fell into sin. Mary, by her “yes” to God’s invitation, became the mother of Our Savior and so the mother of all those He would redeem by His Passion, Death, and Resurrection.
  4. “Observing the fourth commandment brings its reward: ‘Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land which the LORD your God gives you.’ Respecting this commandment provides, along with spiritual fruits, temporal fruits of peace and prosperity.” Accept reasoned answers.
  5. Failing to observe the Fourth Commandment “brings great harm to communities and to individuals.” Accept reasoned answers.
  6. “True Respect for parents (filial piety) derives from gratitude toward those who, by the gift of life, their love and their work, have brought their children into the world and enabled them to grow in stature, wisdom, and grace.” Accept reasoned answers.
  7. Accept reasoned answers. Our parents are an image of God’s love in our lives, and our first teachers. Christ Himself, our model, who perfectly pleased God in all He did, was obedient to His earthly parents when He was a child.
  8. He says that when we love Mary we are led to a greater love of Jesus. Loving the people Jesus loves increases and amplifies our love for Him.
  9. Because just as the moon is illuminated by the sun, and reflects its light, so Mary reflects Christ’s light and love into the world. She always points us to God, and when we love her, our love for God is amplified.
  10. When He was on the Cross, Jesus gave Mary to His disciples, and to us, as our Mother. This means we have to have a relationship with her if we want to know Jesus and follow Him. The Catechism teaches us that Mary is our Mother and model, and that her motherhood “extends to all men.” Accept reasoned answers.
  11. Accept reasoned answers.


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