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Created in His Image: Exploring the Theology of the Body, Grand Rapids, Fall 2024


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Cathedral Square Center

360 Division Ave S
Grand Rapids, MI 49503 United States

October 2, 2024

9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Workshop Overview

Explore St. John Paul II’s teachings on the Theology of the Body and how you can lead your students to understand what it means to be made in the image and likeness of God, male and female. You’ll also explore ways to appropriately teach about purity, human sexuality, biological sex, and other topics related to Theology of the Body in age appropriate ways.

You’ll also receive a free copy of either Human Sexuality or Everyday Theology of the Body, a supplemental teacher’s guide packed with lessons and activities that will help you bring your students into a deeper understanding of the Theology of the Body.

This Workshop blends scholar presentations with interactive pedagogical sessions, giving you a chance to explore content with a respected scholar, as well as explore and simulate practical teaching strategies with ready-to-use classroom materials. Share best practices and enjoy catered breakfast and lunch with your fellow Diocese of Grand Rapids teachers.


  • 9:00-9:30am

    Breakfast and Check-In

  • 9:30-9:45am

    Program Introduction

  • 9:45-10:15am

    Making Visible the Invisible

    Engage in hands-on activities that will help your students see the spiritual realities communicated by material creation, including our bodies.

  • 10:15-11:00am

    Teaching Theology of the Body to Kids, Tweens, and Teens

    Enjoy the first of two presentations by Monica Ashour, followed by Q & A.

  • 11:00-11:15am


  • 11:15am-12:00pm

    Male and Female He Created Them

    Engage in hands-on activities that will help students understand more deeply what it means to be created in God’s image, male or female

  • 12:00-12:45pm

    Holy Mass

  • 12:45-1:30pm


  • 1:30-2:15pm

    A Pastoral Response to Modern Challenges

    Enjoy the second presentation by Monica Ashour, followed by Q & A.

  • 2:15-2:50pm

    Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Art Gallery

    Learn how you can use works of art depicting the beauty of creation and the human person to enhance your teaching

  • 2:50-3:00pm

    Additional Resources, Evaluation

Join us, and you'll receive…

Catechetical Formation

Engaging sessions by a catechetical scholar provide background knowledge.

Practical Application

Research-based teaching strategies, and concrete tools to apply this knowledge in the classroom.

Spiritual Formation

You'll explore your vocation as a teacher, and your calling as a witness to Christ.

Ready-to-Use Materials

Receive a free supplemental guide featuring 10-12 lessons with activities and sacred art.


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Rosemary Circo

Rosemary is a member of the Master Teacher Council for Sophia Institute for Teachers. She received a Bachelor of Music Education degree from the University of Southern California in 1987 and a Clear Teaching Credential in 1989. Rosemary has been a music teacher for grades TK-12 for 35 + years. She was also a former Catholic School Vice Principal where she additionally taught middle school religion, provided music ministry, and was a prolife campus coordinator and teacher for grades TK-8th. Rosemary’s music experiences include various Archdiocesan performances, liturgical celebrations and recordings for Catholic and end of life ministry. She has sung at the Vatican and was avocal soloist for St. Pope John Paul II during World Youth Day in Denver, Colorado. Rosemary has been married for 37 years and has two married grown children. Rosemary and her husband are excited to welcome their first grandchild this coming February 2025.

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Monica Ashour

Holding two Masters from the University of Dallas—one in Theological Studies and one in Humanities—Monica Ashour is an international speaker, author of 28 books, and President and Director of Content Creation for the Theology of the Body Evangelization Team (TOBET). She was also named by the Catholic National Register as one of the top six speakers on Saint John Paul’s Theology of the Body. In May 2015, Miss Ashour was a participant for an ad hoc committee in Washington DC for the Pontifical Council for the Family, and presented a talk “Teaching TOB to Teens” at the Theology of the Body International Symposium in Rome. She was also a participant in the International Summit on Lay Leadership with Cardinal Arinze in Rome. Before becoming an international speaker, Monica served as a campus minister at St. Mary’s Catholic Church of Texas A&M University from 1996 to 1999. Before and after her stint at St. Mary’s, Monica enjoyed 20 years teaching theology and literature in grade school and high school classrooms. Monica was the recipient of Cardinal Farrell’s 2008 Pro-Life Award for Civic Action and was named to the Hall of Fame for her alma mater, Nolan Catholic High School in Ft. Worth.

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