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Lesson 23

Redemptive Suffering

In this chapter your students will learn that…
■ God allows suffering to occur in the world, but His intention is to transform it into love.
■ Because agapē love requires a free choice, the possibility of suffering is the price of the possibility of love.
■ Suffering is a call to develop our natural virtues.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Sin
    A deliberate offense against God. It is something we say, think, do, or fail to do that is against the eternal law of God. It is a failure to love God and neighbor.
  • Moral Evil
    An objectively evil act that a person commits. The rejection and murder of God’s only Son is the greatest moral evil ever committed.
  • Redemptive Suffering
    Uniting our own suffering to Jesus’ Passion and offering it as a self sacrifice for the sake of our salvation or the salvation of others, in imitation of Jesus.
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