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Lesson 8

Living the Vocation of Married Love Faithfully

Marriage is the perfect and complete form of human friendship.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Friendship
    (n.): The common bonds of mutual goodwill that hold persons together. There are three types of friendship: 1) friendship of utility, 2) friendship of pleasure, 3) and friendship of virtue. Friendship not only binds together individuals, but also communities and states.
  • Consumerism
    (n.): The belief that fulfillment is found in the acquisition of consumer goods.
  • Contraceptive Mentality
    (n.): An outlook or frame of mind that treats sexual intercourse as a recreational activity, severing it from the procreation of children by employing various means of birth control. This outlook treats babies simply as inconvenient, avoidable, and if necessary, disposable by- products of sex.
  • Sterilization
    (n.): A procedure intended to destroy a person’s ability to conceive a child, for example a vasectomy (men) or a tubal ligation (women).
  • Abortion
    (n.): The deliberate termination of pregnancy by killing the unborn child. Willed as an ends or a means, abortion is gravely contrary to the moral law.
  • Roe v. Wade
    (n.): The 1973 Supreme Court ruling holding that abortion was a right guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and therefore state laws restricting first-trimester abortions were unconstitutional. This ruling overturned laws in 46 states and is protested each January in Washington DC at an annual March for Life.
  • Pornography
    (n.): Removing real or simulated sexual acts from the intimacy of the partners in order to display them deliberately in film, photographs, or other media for the sexual gratification of others.
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