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Lesson 9

The Eighth through Tenth Commandments

We must speak, act, and uphold the truth, and so we should not lie in word, thought, or deed.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Dissimulation
    (n.): Concealment of the truth under a false pretense.
  • Hypocrisy
    (n.): A lack of integrity between one’s words and one’s deeds; behavior that contradicts what one professes to believe.
  • Irony
    (n.): A form of expression where the true meaning is the opposite of the literal meaning. When used maliciously to disparage someone, it is an offense against truth.
  • Defamation
    (n.): The intentional damaging of someone’s reputation through the spread of falsehoods. This term is typically applied to the media and publications.
  • Calumny
    (n.): The intentional damaging of someone’s reputation by saying false things about them.
  • Detraction
    (n.): The revealing of another person’s faults and failings to someone who did not know about them for no valid reason. Detraction is an instance where telling the truth can be a sin, if truth is given to someone who did not have the right to it.
  • Adulation
    (n.): Excessive flattery. Adulation is gravely sinful when it encourages others in their vices or grave sins. It is a venial sin when committed in an attempt to avoid conflict or to gain a legitimate advantage.
  • Complaisance
    (n.): The desire to comply or to please. Complaisance is sinful when it encourages others in conduct that is morally wrong.
  • Covet
    (v.): To ardently wish for something; it is sinful to covet when we desire what belongs to another.
  • Modesty
    (n.): The virtue that moderates one’s external appearance (especially in dress), behavior, humility, and studiousness in order to avoid offending God or others to avoid attracting what is unnecessary, and to temper excessive desire for personal distinction. It is the refusal to unveil what should remain hidden and, especially in matters of dress, is ordered to chastity.
  • Temperance
    (n.): The moral virtue that moderates the attraction of pleasures and provides balance in the use of created goods.
  • Greed
    (n.): The capital sin of inordinate love of riches or of desiring to amass earthly goods without limit.
  • Envy
    (n.): The capital sin of sadness at the sight of another’s goods and the immoderate desire to acquire them for oneself, even unjustly. It is distinct from jealousy, where one feels righteous indignation at the usurpation of what is rightly one’s own.
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