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Magis Apologetics > Apologetics II > Unit 6

Chapter 16: Committing to a Moral Life

At the end of this course, we can reflect on the evidence that religious faith and Jesus’ moral teaching are the pathways not only to eternal salvation but also to emotional, relational, and marital health in this life. Growing in our faith, following Jesus’ moral teachings, resisting temptations, avoiding sin, and living the virtues, however, are difficult. Each of us is part of a transcendent spiritual struggle between good and evil that ultimately requires divine assistance to prevail — to resist temptation and change sinful habits.

Spirit of Truth, Home Edition > Grade 8 > Unit 2

Lesson 23: Support for Moral Living

In order to live the good life we must cultivate not only the inner life of moral virtue, but the outer life by our participation in our communities, participation in the Sacraments, and instruction by those holy ones who came before us.

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