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Lesson 3

Scientific Evidence of an Intelligent Creator

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Agnosticism
    (n.): The view that we do not know whether God exists. From the Greek prefix “a-” meaning “without” or “absence of” and gnosis, meaning “knowledge.”
  • Atheism
    (n.): The belief that God does not exist.
  • Big Bang Theory
    Theory developed by physicist Fr. Georges Lemaître, Ph.D. in 1927, that the universe is expanding outward from a specific point in the past. Galaxies are not moving through a fixed empty space, but rather the space between the galaxies is itself stretching and growing.
  • Red Shift
    Phenomenon that is observed from our perspective on earth that as stars and galaxies move away faster from us, the wavelengths of light they emit have a longer wavelength and shorter frequency, making the light “shift” towards the red end of the electromagnetic spectrum.
  • Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
    Is the aftershock of the birth of the universe.
  • Borde-Vilenkin-Guth Proof
    Proof concluding that any universe with an expansion rate greater than zero must have had a beginning, meaning it could not have existed eternally into the past.
  • Entropy
    Measure of the degree of chaos or disorder in a system. The principle that systems move from order to disorder, and will only become more ordered due to an input of energy into the system, is explained by the second law of thermodynamics.
  • Second Law of Thermodynamics
    Isolated systems always tend to become more disorganized.
  • Work
    The force of energy applied to displace an object. Work transfers energy from one form to another
  • Metaphysics
    Branch of philosophy that studies the fundamental nature of reality, including space and time; being; necessity, possibility, and change; and identity.
  • Gravitational Constant
    A numerical constant that is used to calculate the gravitational attraction between two objects.
  • Strong Nuclear Force
    Binds protons together in the nucleus of an atom.
  • Ockham’s Razor
    Principle that we should prefer the explanation with the fewest assumptions, conditions, and requirements, because nature favors elegance over needless complexity.
  • Informal Inference
    A conclusion that becomes more solid through experimentation, involving the accumulation of different kinds of evidence, from larger sample sizes, that converge on the same result.
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