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Lesson 3

The Fall from Grace: Original Sin

The sin of Adam and Eve caused them to lose sanctifying grace, and Original Justice and Holiness, and brought sin, suffering, and death into the world.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Demons
    (n.): Fallen angels, created good by God, who chose evil and now seek to entice human beings to turn away from God.
  • Original Sin
    (n.): The state of human nature deprived of the original holiness and justice Adam and Even enjoyed before the fall.
  • Concupiscence
    (n.): The tendency or inclination to sin that is an effect of Original Sin. Even though Baptism erases the stain of Original Sin, the tendency to sin remains.
  • Protoevangelium
    (n.): The name given to Genesis 3:15 in which God promises to send a Savior to crush the head of the serpent (Satan), defeating sin and death. It is the first announcement of the Gospel, the Good News of salvation won by Jesus Christ. Latin for “first Gospel.”
  • New Adam
    (n.): A title for Jesus Christ reflecting His triumph over sin and death, and His creation of the world anew. The title refers to how Jesus redeems human nature which was wounded by the sin of the first man, Adam.
  • New Eve
    (n.): A title for Mary that describes how eternal life became possible through her obedience to God. Just as sin and death entered the world through the disobedience of Eve, Mary’s obedience to God led to the birth of God’s Son, Jesus Christ, who died on the Cross and rose from the dead to save us from sin.
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