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Lesson 17

Forms and Habits of Prayer

There are six different forms of prayer: blessing, adoration, petition, intercession, thanksgiving, and praise.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Blessing
    (n.): The basic movement of prayer between God and man in which God’s gift and our acceptance of it are united in dialogue. We bless God by gratefully acknowledging Him as the source of all good things.
  • Adoration
    (n.): The form of prayer in which we worship God and express our love for Him.
  • Petition
    (n.): The form of prayer in which we ask God for our own needs.
  • Eucharisteo
    (n.): Greek word for “Thanksgiving” from which the word Eucharist is derived.
  • Praise
    (n.): The form of prayer celebrating God’s goodness.
  • Presumption
    (n.): The sin of presuming we can save ourselves through our own efforts, or of expecting God’s forgiveness even if we do not repent of our sins and turn back to Him. Presumption breaks the First Commandment.
  • Acedia
    (n.): Spiritual sloth, or refusing the joy that comes from God and instead feeling repelled by divine goodness.
  • Our Father (Lord's Prayer)
    (n.): The prayer that Christ taught His disciples in the Gospels. In this prayer of seven petitions, Jesus shows us how to come to God and ask Him for our needs and wants. Also known as the Lord’s Prayer.
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