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Lesson 14

God’s Chosen People

God chose a people, the people of Israel descended from Abraham, to reveal Himself to and task with sharing His love and plan of salvation with the entire world.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Nephilim
    Mysterious individuals from Genesis 6 who are described as the “heroes of old” and the “men of renown.” Careful study of Scripture reveals that they are, in fact, the children from the marriages between the sinful descendants of Cain and the faithful descendants of Seth. They were morally corrupt men who sought to honor themselves rather than God.
  • Pentecost
    The day when Jesus sent the Holy Spirit upon Mary and the Apostles and the Church was born. Fifty days after Jesus’ Resurrection (10 days after His Ascension into Heaven), Mary and the Apostles gathered in the upper room and were filled with the Holy Spirit, who came in a rush of wind and appeared as tongues of fire over their heads.
  • Shem/Shemite
    Shem was one of Noah’s three sons. The name Shem means “name.” Shem’s descendants were known as Shemites, “the people of the name.” In other words, Shem and his descendants honored the name of God and sought to be faithful to Him. Abraham was a descendant of Shem and his descendants became the Hebrew or Jewish people, the Chosen People of God.
  • Tower of Babel
    A tower built by the sinful descendants of Ham, one of Noah’s three sons. They disobeyed God’s command to “fill the earth” and instead settled in one place and attempted to build a tower to Heaven to make themselves like God. As punishment, God confused their language and scattered them all over the earth.
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