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Lesson 20

Living the Sacrament of Baptism

The effects of Baptism are the forgiveness of sins, becoming a new creature, becoming a member of the Church, forming bonds of Christian unity, and imprinting an indelible mark on the soul.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Indelible Mark
    A permanent, un-removable spiritual seal or mark placed on our souls by God in the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation, and upon those who receive the Sacrament of Holy Orders, that set us apart as belonging to God. The baptismal seal allows us to participate in the Mass, and use the Gifts of the Holy Spirit to live lives of holiness. The seal of Confirmation strengthens us to be witnesses of the Gospel in the battle between good and evil waged all around us. (1280, 1317, 1597)
  • Original Sin
    The first sin of Adam and Eve that brought pain, suffering, and death into the world. Because we are all descendants of Adam and Eve we are all born with Original Sin in our souls. We need to be baptized to remove the stain of Original Sin. The effects of Original Sin remain, however. For example, we tend to sin, we suffer, and die. (417, 418, 419, 1279, 1714)
  • Sanctifying Grace
    The free gift of God’s love and life within our souls given to us by the Holy Spirit. Sanctifying grace heals us of sin and makes us holy. We receive sanctifying grace through the Sacraments, especially in Baptism and Holy Eucharist. (2023)
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