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Lesson 1

Exploring the Blessed Mother with Sacred Art

We can always ask Mary to help us.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Betrothed
    Engaged to be married. Mary was betrothed to Mary a man named Joseph, a descendant of King David.
  • Fiat
    Latin for “let it be done,” or “yes.” Mary responded to the Angel Gabriel’s announcement that she would be the Mother of God by saying, “May it be done to me according to your word.” (973)
  • Magnify
    To enlarge or increase. Mary said that her soul “magnifies” the Lord. Everything in Mary’s life increased the greatness of God here on earth.
  • Assumption
    The Assumption is the taking up of the Virgin Mary, body and soul, into Heaven at the end of her earthly life. Mary is now in Heaven with her Son. She is crowned Queen of Heaven and seated at His right hand.
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