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Lesson 6

Marital Love and the Divine Love of God

Marriage is a reflection of the Divine Love that is God, who is Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Marriage
    The Sacramental joining of one man and one woman in a free, faithful, fruitful, and indissoluble union. It is an integral part of human nature that has been written into the complementarity of the male and female bodies and the human soul from our origins. (1660, 1661)
  • Dignity
    Dignity is the honor and respect due to every person because we all are made in God’s image and likeness.
  • Sin
    is something that we say, do, think, or fail to do that does not love God, our neighbor, or ourselves.
  • Love
    To will the good to someone. The greatest love is selfless and cares for another for that person’s own sake. God created us in His own image as male and female and called to us love Him and to love each other. (1661)
  • Vocation
    The calling or destiny of all people in this life and the next. God first calls everyone to love and serve Him and to seek the perfection of holiness. God also calls each person to a state of life: either marriage, religious life, or ordained priesthood. (44, 944, 2021, 2253, 2461, 1593, 1661)
  • Theology of the Body
    A series of talks given over many months by Pope St. John Paul II in which he proposed that the human body makes visible the invisible mystery of God and is thus a sign of it. The pope developed this thesis by reflecting on the original state of mankind as revealed to us in the first three chapters of Genesis. (70, 1661)
  • Theological Virtues
    Virtues infused directly into the human soul by God that help human beings relate to God. They are the foundation of Christian moral activity by animating it and giving it its special character. They inform and give life to all other virtues. They are faith, hope, and love (charity). (1840, 1841)
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