Spirit of Truth School Edition is our K-8 series designed for Catholic schools
The Goodness of GodExploring the Eucharist with Sacred ArtExploring the Sacraments with Sacred ArtExploring Personal Growth with Sacred ArtThe Citizen and GovernmentExploring Anointing of the Sick with Sacred ArtExploring God’s Covenant with the Chosen People with Sacred Art God's Chosen PeopleGod is Our Father, and We Are His ChildrenExploring the Sacrament of Holy Orders with Sacred ArtExploring the Royal Kingdom and the Prophets in Sacred ArtExploring Biblical Interpretation with Sacred ArtThe Nature and Mission of the Catholic ChurchExploring the Church with Sacred ArtExploring the Image of God with Sacred ArtExploring Personal Growth with Sacred ArtExploring the Sacraments with Sacred ArtGod Is Love and Created All Things out of LoveJesus is the Good ShepherdExploring Prayer with Sacred ArtExploring the Sacrament of Confirmation with Sacred ArtExploring Jesus as Priest, Prophet, and King with Sacred ArtThe Sacraments of HealingSacraments at the Service of CommunionExploring Morality with Sacred ArtExploring Sacred Scripture with Sacred Art
Next unitUnit 2 - The Sacrament of the Eucharist: Unit 2 - The Sacrament of the Eucharist
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