
Spirit of Truth, High School > Course VI > Unit 4

Chapter 14: Conscience

Conscience is not a feeling but an ability of man’s reason to judge whether an action is moral or immoral.

Spirit of Truth, High School > Course VI > Unit 5

Chapter 15: Grace and Virtues

Grace is the expression of God’s love that not only makes us His adopted children but also makes us good.

Spirit of Truth, High School > Course VI > Unit 1

Chapter 3: Our Response to God's Plan

Living a life of holiness as a disciple of Christ requires us to live a life of witness to Him by sharing with the world our love for Christ by our words and actions.

Spirit of Truth, High School > Course V > Unit 1

Chapter 1: What Is a Sacrament?

Sacraments are efficacious signs of grace by which divine life is dispensed to us.

Spirit of Truth, High School > Course IV > Unit 1

Chapter 2: The Holy Spirit and the Church

The Holy Spirit lives within the Church, directing her mission and providing the gifts she needs to carry it out.

Spirit of Truth, High School > Course IV > Unit 5

Chapter 13: The Sacrament of Our Salvation

As the sacrament of salvation, the Church contains everything we need for communion with God. Through her, God’s grace is made visible to humanity; she lacks nothing.

Spirit of Truth, High School > Course III > Unit 5

Chapter 13: We are Called to Holiness

Reason and free will separate us from animals and are how we are made in the image and likeness of God.

Spirit of Truth, High School > Course II > Unit 1

Chapter 1: What Is Faith?

Having faith requires us to put our trust in another. Faith is an essential part of being human.

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