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A Family of Faith > Volume 1 > October

Lesson 1: I Believe

The aim of the first part of this lesson is for your children to learn what faith is and to begin to think about their faith in God. In the second part of the lesson, your children learn that the Church has summarized the great mysteries of our Faith in the Apostles’ Creed.

A Family of Faith > Volume 1 > March

Lesson 11: I Believe in The Holy Catholic Church

This lesson defines the Church, the People of God, and explores the threefold mission of the Church: to teach, sanctify, and govern in Christ’s name and by His power.

A Family of Faith > Volume 1 > April

Lesson 13: Amen! Come, Lord Jesus

In this last lesson of the year, we move quickly through the final three articles of the Creed. All of these truths have already been examined in other lessons, and here we explore them in a bit more depth.

A Family of Faith > Volume 1 > May

Finishing the Year: Finishing Up the Year

In this last lesson of the year, we move quickly through the final three articles of the Creed. All of these truths have already been examined in other lessons, and here we explore them in a bit more depth.

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