
Spirit of Truth, Parish Edition > Grade 7 > Unit 1

Session 6: The Gospel of Matthew

Matthew’s Gospel is an orderly and reliable historical account of Jesus’ life and teachings.

Spirit of Truth, Parish Edition > Grade 7 > Unit 1

Session 7: The Gospel of Mark

Mark’s Gospel is concerned with presenting the mystery of Christ.

Spirit of Truth, Parish Edition > Grade 7 > Unit 1

Session 8: The Gospel of Luke

The Gospel of Luke, known as the Gospel of Mercy, focuses on the mercy and forgiveness of Jesus.

Spirit of Truth, Parish Edition > Grade 7 > Unit 1

Session 9: The Gospel of John

The Gospel of John is very different from the other three Synoptic Gospels and is concerned with presenting Jesus as the Incarnate Word of God who has always existed with God.

Spirit of Truth, Parish Edition > Grade 8 > Unit 1

Session 2: The Apostolic Age

The Apostles preached the Good News throughout the ancient world, to Jew and Gentile alike.

Spirit of Truth, Parish Edition > Kindergarten 1st Ed. > Unit 2

Session 12: The Annunciation

God asked Mary to be Jesus’ mother and Mary said yes!

Spirit of Truth, Parish Edition > Kindergarten 1st Ed. > Unit 3

Session 17: Jesus Had Followers

Jesus’ followers are called disciples, so we are also Jesus’ disciples.

Spirit of Truth, Parish Edition > Kindergarten 1st Ed. > Unit 3

Session 21: Jesus Helps Those in Need

Jesus performed miracles so people would know He was God and to show God’s love.

Spirit of Truth, Parish Edition > Kindergarten 1st Ed. > Unit 3

Session 22: Jesus Founded the Church

Jesus chose St. Peter to lead the Church, and He gave St. Peter the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.

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